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What Happens if I Miss My NYSC Monthly Clearance?

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If you are a corps member serving in the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program in Nigeria, you are required to attend a monthly clearance at your place of primary assignment (PPA).

This is to verify that you are fulfilling your duties and responsibilities as a corps member. The monthly clearance is also important for receiving your monthly allowance, also known as “allawee.”

The allawee is a financial support given by the federal government to corps members to help them with their living expenses during their service year. The amount of the allawee varies depending on the state where you are serving, but it is usually around 33,000 naira per month.


Consequences of Missing NYSC Monthly Clearance

So, what happens if you miss your NYSC monthly clearance? Well, the consequences can be quite severe. Here are some of the possible outcomes:

  • You will not receive your allawee for that month. This can be a big problem if you depend on this money for your rent, food, transportation, or other needs. You may have to borrow money from friends, family, or other sources to survive until the next month.
  • You may face disciplinary action from your PPA or the NYSC authorities. Depending on the reason why you missed your clearance, you may be reprimanded, warned, suspended, or even dismissed from your PPA or the NYSC program. This can affect your reputation, your certificate of national service, and your future opportunities.
  • You may lose some of the benefits and privileges of being a corps member. For example, you may not be able to access some of the loans, grants, scholarships, or training programs that are available for corps members. You may also miss out on some of the social and networking events that are organized by the NYSC or other stakeholders.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid missing your NYSC monthly clearance as much as possible. However, if you have a valid reason why you cannot attend your clearance, such as illness, emergency, or travel, you should inform your PPA supervisor and the NYSC officials in advance and seek their permission and approval.

You should also provide evidence to support your reason, such as a medical report, a travel ticket, or a letter from a relevant authority.

By doing this, you may be able to avoid some of the negative consequences of missing your clearance and still receive your allawee and other benefits. However, this is not guaranteed and it depends on the discretion of your PPA and the NYSC authorities.


In conclusion, missing your NYSC monthly clearance is not something you should take lightly. It can have serious implications for your finances, your service year, and your future.

Therefore, you should always try to attend your clearance every month and communicate with your PPA and the NYSC officials if you have any issues or challenges that may prevent you from doing so.


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