How to Check and Print NYSC Relocation Letter Online

How to Apply for NYSC Relocation After 6 Months

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If you are a corps member who is unhappy with your state of deployment, you might be wondering if you can apply for NYSC relocation after 6 months.

You might have heard rumors or seen posts on social media that claim that this is possible.

However, before you get your hopes up, you need to know the truth about NYSC relocation after 6 months.

In this post, I will explain the official policy of the NYSC on relocation, the conditions for applying for relocation, and the alternative option that some people use to relocate after 6 months.

What is the Official Policy of the NYSC on Relocation?

The official policy of the NYSC on relocation is that you can only apply for relocation during the first 3 months of your service year.

This is clearly stated in the NYSC handbook, which says:

“Relocation of corps members after orientation course is not a right. Corps members can only apply for relocation on marital or health grounds. Such applications must be made within the first three (3) months of service year.”

This means that after the first 3 months of your service year, you are expected to have settled down in your state of deployment, and relocation will not be possible.

Why is there a 3-month limit for relocation?

The reason why there is a 3-month limit for relocation is to ensure that corps members serve in different parts of the country and contribute to national development.

The NYSC was established to promote national unity and integration among Nigerian youths.

One of the ways to achieve this is to expose corps members to different cultures, languages, and environments.

By limiting relocation to the first 3 months, the NYSC aims to discourage corps members from seeking relocation based on personal preferences or convenience.

Instead, corps members are encouraged to adapt to their new surroundings and make positive impacts in their host communities.

What are the Conditions for Applying for Relocation?

As mentioned earlier, you can only apply for relocation on marital or health grounds.

This means that you must have a valid reason for requesting relocation, and you must provide evidence to support your claim.

For marital grounds, you must be legally married and provide a marriage certificate, a letter from your spouse’s employer, and a change of name newspaper publication.

For health grounds, you must have a serious medical condition that requires constant attention or treatment, and provide a medical report from a recognized hospital.

How to Apply for Relocation Within the First 3 Months?

If you meet the conditions for applying for relocation, you can do so within the first 3 months of your service year by following these steps:

  • Log in to your dashboard on the NYSC portal via
  • Click on “Relocation”.
  • Fill in the required details and upload the necessary documents.
  • Submit your application and wait for approval.
  • If approved, print out your relocation letter and report to your new state of deployment.

Is it Possible to Apply for Relocation After 6 Months?

The short answer is no. It is not possible to apply for relocation after 6 months through the official channel.

The long answer is maybe. It may be possible to apply for relocation after 6 months through unofficial means.

What do I mean by unofficial means?

I mean using connections or influential individuals who can help you process your relocation letter.

This option is not recommended, as it goes against the spirit and objectives of the NYSC program.

It also involves a lot of risks, such as being scammed, being caught, or being penalized.

However, some people still resort to this option out of desperation or frustration.

If you decide to take this route, you need to be very careful and vigilant. You need to find a reliable source who can guarantee your relocation. You also need to be ready to pay a hefty amount of money as a fee or bribe.

You should also be aware that this option may not work for everyone. Some states are more difficult to relocate from than others. Some states may not accept relocated corps members without proper verification. Some states may have reached their quota for relocated corps members and may not accept any more.

Therefore, applying for relocation after 6 months is not a sure thing. It depends on many factors that are beyond your control.


In conclusion, applying for NYSC relocation after 6 months is not officially allowed. The established rule is that relocation requests must be made within the first 3 months of your service year.

Exceptions may only be considered for compelling situations. If you choose to explore other avenues, such as seeking assistance, be mindful of potential scams.

I hope this post has provided you with the necessary information. If you have any further questions, feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading.

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