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How to Reject Your NYSC PPA and Get a New Place of Assignment

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If you are a Nigerian youth who has just completed your tertiary education, you are probably familiar with the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme.

This is a one-year mandatory program that aims to foster national unity and integration among graduates from different parts of the country.

As part of the scheme, you are expected to serve in a place of primary assignment (PPA) where you will contribute your skills and knowledge to the development of your host community.

However, not all PPAs are suitable or satisfactory for every corps member. You may find yourself in a situation where you are unhappy with your PPA, either because of the nature of the work, the location, the remuneration, or the working conditions. If this is the case, you may be wondering if you can reject your PPA and get a new one.

Can I Change My NYSC PPA?

The answer is yes, you can. But it is not as easy as it sounds. There are some steps and procedures you need to follow before you can successfully change your PPA. In this blog post, I will share with you some tips and advice on how to reject your NYSC PPA and get a new place of assignment.

Step 1: Have a valid reason

The first thing you need to do is to have a valid reason for rejecting your PPA. You cannot just say that you don’t like it or that you want to go somewhere else. You need to have a concrete and convincing reason that will justify your request. Some of the common reasons that corps members use to reject their PPAs are:

  • Health issues: If you have a medical condition that makes it difficult or impossible for you to work in your PPA, you can use this as a reason to reject it. You will need to provide a medical report from a certified doctor to back up your claim.
  • Security issues: If your PPA is located in an area that is unsafe or prone to violence, kidnapping, or other forms of insecurity, you can use this as a reason to reject it. You will need to provide evidence of the security situation in your PPA, such as news reports, police reports, or testimonies from other corps members or residents.
  • Personal issues: If you have a personal issue that prevents you from working in your PPA, such as family problems, marital issues, pregnancy, or bereavement, you can use this as a reason to reject it. You will need to provide proof of your personal issue, such as marriage certificate, pregnancy test result, death certificate, or letter from family members.
  • Professional issues: If your PPA is not related to your field of study or does not offer you any opportunity for career development or skill acquisition, you can use this as a reason to reject it. You will need to provide evidence of your academic qualifications and career aspirations, such as certificates, transcripts, CVs, or letters from potential employers.

Step 2: Inform your employer

The next thing you need to do is to inform your employer about your intention to reject your PPA. Your employer is the person or organization that accepted you as a corps member and assigned you a role and responsibility in their establishment. You need to be polite and respectful when informing your employer about your decision. You should explain your reason for rejecting your PPA and thank them for their understanding and cooperation.

You should also inform your employer about the process of changing your PPA and the documents you will need from them. Some of the documents you may need from your employer are:

  • A letter of rejection: This is a letter from your employer stating that they have rejected you as a corps member and that they have no objection to your request for a new PPA.
    A letter of recommendation (optional): This is a letter from your employer stating that they have accepted you as a corps member and that they recommend you for a new PPA.
  • A letter of release (optional): This is a letter from your employer stating that they have released you from their service and that they wish you well in your new PPA.

You should also ask your employer if they have any specific requirements or conditions for releasing you from their service. For example, some employers may ask you to complete a certain period of service, pay a certain amount of money, or sign a certain agreement before they release you.

Step 3: Find a new PPA

The third thing you need to do is to find a new PPA that suits your needs and preferences. You can do this by searching online, asking around, networking with other corps members or alumni, or visiting potential PPAs in person. You should look for a PPA that matches your field of study, offers good remuneration and benefits, provides opportunities for learning and growth, and has a conducive working environment.

Once you find a new PPA that interests you, you should contact them and express your interest in working with them. You should also send them your documents and credentials and ask them if they have any vacancies or openings for corps members. You should also ask them if they have any specific requirements or conditions for accepting you as a corps member. For example, some PPAs may ask you to undergo an interview, a test, or a training before they accept you.

Step 4: Get approval from NYSC

The final thing you need to do is to get approval from NYSC to change your PPA. NYSC is the body that oversees and regulates the NYSC scheme and assigns corps members to their PPAs. You need to get approval from NYSC before you can officially change your PPA and start working in your new PPA.

To get approval from NYSC, you need to submit your documents and application to the NYSC office in your state of deployment. You should also visit the NYSC office in person and meet with the NYSC officials in charge of your PPA change. You should explain your reason for changing your PPA and present your documents and evidence to support your request.

You should also inform the NYSC officials about your new PPA and provide them with the contact details and address of your new employer. You should also ask the NYSC officials if they have any specific requirements or conditions for approving your PPA change. For example, some NYSC officials may ask you to pay a certain amount of money, write a certain report, or attend a certain meeting before they approve your PPA change.

If the NYSC officials are satisfied with your request and documents, they will approve your PPA change and issue you a new posting letter. This is a letter from NYSC stating that they have approved your PPA change and that they have assigned you to your new PPA. You should keep this letter safe and present it to your new employer when you report to your new PPA.


Changing your NYSC PPA is not impossible, but it is not easy either. You need to have a valid reason, inform your employer, find a new PPA, and get approval from NYSC before you can successfully change your PPA. You also need to be prepared for the challenges and risks that may come with changing your PPA, such as losing some benefits, facing some resistance, or missing some opportunities.

However, if you are determined and persistent, you can achieve your goal of changing your NYSC PPA and getting a new place of assignment. You just need to follow the steps and procedures outlined in this blog post and hope for the best. I wish you good luck and success in your NYSC service year.

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