How To Get NYSC Evaluation Letter For Foreign Graduates

How to Get NYSC Evaluation Letter for Foreign Graduates

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The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) plays a pivotal role in shaping the lives of Nigerian graduates, fostering national unity and integration.

However, for foreign graduates, the path to NYSC participation may involve an additional step: getting an evaluation letter.

This guide will comprehensively outline the process of getting your hands on this important document, ensuring you have a smooth and timely NYSC journey.

What is the NYSC Exemption Letter?

The NYSC evaluation letter serves as an official confirmation that the institution and course of study completed by a foreign graduate are duly accredited by the government of the country where the institution is located. This measure is in place to ensure that all NYSC participants possess valid qualifications from recognized institutions.

Primarily, foreign graduates from higher institutions in specific countries are mandated to obtain evaluation letters. These countries include:

  • Benin Republic
  • Ghana
  • Niger
  • Togo

Additionally, foreign graduates whose institutions are not listed on the NYSC portal or whose courses are not recognized by the National Universities Commission (NUC) or other relevant regulatory bodies may also require evaluation letters.

How to Get NYSC Evaluation Letter for Foreign-Trained Graduates

  1. As a foreign student, your university or higher institution takes the responsibility of processing evaluation letters for its graduates. Contact the designated department or office within your institution to ask about the evaluation letter process.
  2. Your institution will compile a list of graduated students requiring evaluation letters and submit it to the FME in Abuja. This list typically includes student names, institution names, and course details.
  3. The FME will thoroughly examine the submitted list and verify the accreditation status of each institution and course. Once verified, the FME will issue evaluation letters for the eligible graduates.
  4. The FME will forward the evaluation letters back to your institution for distribution to the respective graduates.

How Long Does it Take to Get NYSC Evaluation Letter

The processing timeframe for evaluation letters can vary depending on the volume of requests and the efficiency of your institution’s administrative procedures. It is advisable to initiate the process early to avoid last-minute delays. In the past, graduates could approach the FME directly for evaluation letters, but this practice is no longer permitted.

By understanding the requirements, following the prescribed procedures, and maintaining proactive communication with your institution, foreign graduates can navigate the evaluation letter process smoothly and ensure their timely participation in the NYSC program.

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