How to get a good job during nysc

How to Get a Good Job During or Immediately After NYSC Service

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The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is a one-year mandatory program for Nigerian graduates who are below 30 years of age. It aims to foster national unity, patriotism, and skills development among the youths.

However, many NYSC participants also have the goal of getting a good job during or immediately after their service year. This can be a challenging task, given the competitive and dynamic nature of the job market.

In this blog post, we will share with you some tips and strategies on how to get a good job during or immediately after NYSC, based on our research and from other corps members’ experience.

What is a good job?

Before we begin, let us define what a good job means. A good job is not necessarily the same for everyone, as different people may have different preferences, expectations, and aspirations. However, some common factors that may influence your perception of a good job are:

  • The salary and benefits: A good job should offer you a fair and competitive compensation package, including allowances, bonuses, insurance, pension, etc.
  • The work environment and culture: A good job should provide you with a conducive and supportive work environment, where you can grow, learn, and collaborate with others.
  • The job satisfaction and fulfillment: A good job should align with your passion, interest, and values, and make you feel happy and proud of what you do.
  • The career prospects and opportunities: A good job should offer you a clear and realistic career path, with opportunities for advancement, training, and development.

Of course, these factors are not exhaustive, and you may have other criteria that are important to you. The key is to identify what a good job means to you, and use that as a guide for your job search.

How to land a good job during or immediately after NYSC?

Now that you have a clear idea of what a good job means to you, let us look at some tips and strategies on how to land one during or immediately after NYSC.

  • Start early: Don’t wait until the end of your service year to start looking for a job. Start as early as possible, preferably during your orientation or primary assignment. This will give you more time to explore various options, prepare your documents, and apply for jobs.
  • Leverage your NYSC experience: Your NYSC experience can be a valuable asset for your job search. Highlight the skills, knowledge, and achievements you gained during your service year on your resume and during interviews. For example, you can mention how you initiated or executed a community development project, how you learned a new language or culture, or how you demonstrated leadership or teamwork skills. Employers appreciate candidates who can show initiative, adaptability, and problem-solving skills.
  • Update and optimize your resume and cover letter: Your resume and cover letter are your first impression to potential employers. Make sure they are up to date, relevant, and professional. Tailor your resume and cover letter for each job application, emphasizing the skills and qualifications that match the job requirements. Use action verbs and quantifiable results to showcase your accomplishments. Avoid spelling, grammar, and formatting errors.
  • Network effectively: Networking is one of the most effective ways to find job opportunities. Tap into your NYSC network, including fellow corps members, supervisors, mentors, and contacts you made during your service year. Ask them for referrals, recommendations, or leads. Attend job fairs, career events, and industry conferences to expand your network further. Engage with professionals on LinkedIn and other social media platforms, expressing your career goals and seeking advice. Remember, many job opportunities are never advertised, and networking can help you tap into the hidden job market.
  • Research companies and industries: Identify the companies and industries that align with your career aspirations. Research them thoroughly to understand their vision, mission, values, and current job openings. Subscribe to their newsletters, follow their social media pages, and actively engage with their content. This will help you gain insights into their culture, expectations, and challenges, and also show your interest and enthusiasm.
  • Enhance your skills and qualifications: To stand out from the crowd, you need to constantly improve your skills and qualifications. Enroll in online courses, workshops, or certifications that are relevant to your field and industry. Platforms like [Coursera], [LinkedIn Learning], and [Udemy] offer a variety of courses that can help you learn new skills or update your existing ones. You can also join professional associations or bodies that offer training, mentoring, and accreditation. For example, if you are a law graduate, you can join the [Nigerian Bar Association] or the [Chartered Institute of Arbitrators].
  • Prepare for interviews: Once you get invited for an interview, you need to prepare well to impress the interviewer and secure the job offer. Research the company and the role, and anticipate the possible questions and scenarios. Practice your answers and rehearse your delivery, using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your responses. Dress appropriately, arrive on time, and be confident and courteous. Follow up with a thank-you email or note, expressing your appreciation and interest. You can use online resources like [Glassdoor] or [Indeed] to find interview tips and reviews from other candidates or employees.
  • Be flexible and open to opportunities: Landing a good job during or immediately after NYSC may require some flexibility and openness. Be willing to explore various job options, including internships, entry-level positions, or contractual roles. These opportunities can serve as stepping stones to your desired career path and provide valuable experience and exposure. Be ready to relocate to another state or region if the job requires it. Be adaptable and resilient, and don’t give up on your job search.


Getting a good job during or immediately after NYSC is possible, but it requires a strategic approach and persistence. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog post, you can increase your chances of finding and securing your dream job. Remember, the NYSC program is a great opportunity to serve your country and gain valuable skills and experience. Make the most of it, and you will reap the rewards.

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