Does NYSC Count as Work Experience and How to Include NYSC in Your CV

Does NYSC Count as Work Experience and How to Include NYSC in Your CV

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If you are a Nigerian graduate who has completed or is about to complete the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) program, you might be wondering how to leverage your service year experience in your job search.

Does NYSC count as work experience? How can you include it in your CV? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and provide some tips on how to make the most of your NYSC experience.

What is NYSC?

NYSC is a one-year mandatory program for Nigerian graduates who are below 30 years of age. It was established in 1973 after the civil war to promote national unity, integration, and development.

The program consists of three phases: orientation camp, place of primary assignment (PPA), and community development service (CDS).

During the orientation camp, corps members undergo physical and mental training, learn about the culture and history of their state of deployment, and participate in various activities.

After the camp, corps members are posted to their PPA, where they work for a government or private organization for 11 months. They also engage in CDS, where they contribute to the development of their host community through various projects and initiatives.

Does NYSC Count as Work Experience?

The short answer is yes, NYSC can be considered work experience, but it is important to present it in a way that highlights the skills and experience you gained during your service year.

NYSC exposes you to practical work and responsibilities that can be relevant to many different jobs and sectors. It also helps you develop soft skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, adaptability, and creativity.

However, not all employers may recognize or value your NYSC experience equally. Some may prefer candidates with more specific or specialized skills and qualifications.

Therefore, it is essential to tailor your CV to the job you are applying for and emphasize how your NYSC experience matches the requirements and expectations of the employer.

How to Include NYSC Work Experience in Your CV

To include your NYSC work experience in your CV, follow these steps:

  • Placement: Include your NYSC experience under the “Work Experience” section of your CV, rather than the “Educational Qualification” section. This is because the NYSC program involves practical work and responsibilities.
  • Format: List the name of the organization where you served during your NYSC, followed by the location (state and country), and the duration (month/year to month/year). For example: “ABC Company, Lagos State Nigeria, NYSC Jan 2023 – Dec 2023.”
  • Job Title: Specify your role or job title during your NYSC experience. For instance, if you were an Accountant, mention it explicitly.
  • Achievements: Highlight specific achievements or contributions you made during your NYSC. This could include managing a certain budget, improving financial performance, or any notable accomplishments. Use bullet points to make it concise and readable.


ABC Company, Lagos State Nigeria, NYSC Jan 2023 – Dec 2023


  • Prepared monthly financial statements and reports for senior management.
  • Ensured compliance with accounting standards and regulations.
    Implemented cost-saving measures that reduced expenses by 15%.
  • Received commendation letter from the company for outstanding performance.
  • Conclusion

In summary, including NYSC in your CV can positively impact your job search, especially if the experience is related to the position you are seeking. However, you should also consider other factors such as your academic qualifications, skills, interests, and career goals when applying for jobs. Remember that your NYSC experience is not the only thing that defines you as a professional; it is one of the many aspects that showcase your potential and value.

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